Thursday, September 12, 2013

More of What I Have Been Working On


This dress is a uniform for somewhere here at the PCC.  This was the first dress I made.

This skirt goes with a green blouse.  The reservation desk employees wear these.
I made this Aloha shirt for a young man at the reservation desk.

I made several Lava Lava skirts like this.

This dress is worn over the ivory colored Lava Lava shown above.  This is a new costume for people in the Tongan village.  I am sewing an Aloha shirt to match out of the same material for a guy in the Tongan village.
This is a Maori Cape.  We were making these for several days.  I am actually  wearing it wrong, the other side with the tie goes over the shoulder.

Here I am at my sewing machine where I spend 4 hours each day sewing on costumes and uniforms for the PCC.

This is one side of the room.  The woman in the blue Muumuu is my roommate Tessie.

Another view of the Seamstress room.  The woman on the left front is Cheryl, another roommate.

 The woman in orange is Connie,  she is in the apartment downstairs.  I walk to the PCC every day with her and Sharon. ( Not in picture.)  The clothes hung up in the back by the window are the completer items waiting for pick-up.

In Theater we do Different Things 

I glued the sticks and feathers on this hair bow.
These are the before (right side) and after (left side)  pictures of the feathers that I was cutting for hours on multiple days.  they are put together to make the hair bow below.

 This is a hair decoration.  They also make ones to go around the waist.
One of the perks of working in theater is that I can try on crazy, beautiful hats.  It is fun working here.


  1. Mom! This is one of my favorite posts so far! I love seeing where you work every day. Makes me feel like we're not so far apart just knowing what your place looks like (I remember you saying a similar thing to me once!) :) You are making some pretty awesome stuff. I love the flowers headpiece! Love you, Mom! - Lo

  2. This was a great post! I really enjoyed seeing all the pictures of where you work every day! It is amazing to see how many cool clothes you've made since you've been there. I'm super impressed!
